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>>1258354 @ Puru
The site doesn't work like a wiki, does it? So where there is a template/log or something for every version change.
If the name changes to its ‘origin’, then there must be a template/backup somewhere that the page refers back to.
Hey Puru, here's another example.
It has also changed here. The way it is named in E/Ex in English. But the works cannot be imported to the name in this way. But here I can guarantee 100% that I have changed the name. Because at the latest when I uploaded A Pure Darumarriage / 純潔だるまりっじ, I edited things for the artist. I always do this if there is nothing else about the artist.
Part 3 is a compilation of several short stories. The only question is whether Xzosk will also make his own translation of it, or whether Kamijoan's will remain the only one.

Or someone else will upload it here in the meantime. I will wait a little longer.
The Japanese Name is "何を言っても信じちゃうラスボス魔王さま"
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