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i love it but the "hairy" tag here is hilarious. she has like ten pubic hairs.
This one really fucked with my head.

The worst thing is just that Chitose thinks she's ruined. She was just manipulated and raped, at the end of the day. Not her fault and not the end of her life as a person who deserves love.

Really takes a fucked up writer to make me forget that the characters aren't real and no one was harmed in the making of this regrettable orgasm. I hope the author dies.
this is so sweet. such an erotic and humane nut i just experienced. the art and writing were both 10/10
The look on her face at the bottom of page 10...good job artist, that's hot as hell.
i'm tearing up man. this was a step above normal ntr...it wasn't even that she cheated on him, she just straight up forgot about him. something deeply fucked about him crying not because he was betrayed, but because he realized he just didn't matter to someone he loved.
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