Sucks there won't be another chapter, this could be an amazing series
Wish there were more chapters
100% will read again and again, wish there was another few parts to the story
Really wish there was a part 2
I really wish there was more so we could see what happens next
Really wish there was more, have it continue on to the sister getting pregnant and giving birth
I wish this was a hentai series, id love to watch it over and over
I wish there was more chapters of this, I love it
It's awesome, kinda wish she was still rebellious and mean to the main guy, she should end up pregnant and giving birth
If only there was more to this, id love to see the story continue
wish we could have seen him actually having sex with his grand daughter
Wish there was another part to this, would be nice to see q follow up
I hope there is another part in the works
Crow_Claws on
Is there a translated version?

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