5 comments (0 hidden)

What the hell is the point of these 3-7 page useless doujin lately? Either put it in a book as one or dont upload it at all.
>>1095494 @ Anonymous14084
There is nothing wrong with uploading short doujinshi, not everyone who visit here to come to fap you know.
recently I'm having hard time to get arouse. reading too much h manga also bring boredom. I mean first time reading h manga it's different but once I get too much used to it. I'm not feeling anything to fap. but I still get arouse when I'm reading my brand new favorite genre. my favor and taste is something like drain and sex. for ex: the adventure log has disappear vol 1. something like succubus that is draining and sex not some stupid romance only.
Monster girl and femdom (female domination) is also my favourite genre
@precum lover

If you can fap successfully in just these three pages... I'm not sure whether to give you a medal or my condolences...

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