10 comments (0 hidden)

I usually love those kind of plots, and the art is good to, but its kind of lame :/
The story needed the kid's switch being flipped, for some small bit of masculine, take-the-lead energy to be expressed.
Pretty good read, the art isn't to bad tbh. However I would like to see where it goes and seem the guy get older and fuck the shit out of that tiny pussy.
This is straight up cartoon child porn...
>>72774 @ BigBoi3Inches
Welcome to hentai
am i imagining things or was that a better than average cunnilingus scene???
>>72804 @ Ummm
There are alot of doujins that are not disgusting. And don't give me that "welcome to hentai". I've been in this shit show longer than you my guy. Not proud of it tho. Kinda fucking sad.
this guy has posted his message to every single doujin on this site. For gods sake, call Puru-sama on him and block this motherfucker!
>>72987 @ BigBoi3Inches
I agree with you. However, you need to take into consideration that some people are into "disgusting" stuff like this "cartoon child porn", and also that everyone has their own taste in hentai. Moreover, according to you former message>>72774 @ BigBoi3Inches and comparing it with>>72987 @ BigBoi3Inches, it sounds quite contradicting because it gives me the impression that you're saying on the on hand you dislike "child porn", but on the other hand it's "not disgusting". Either you are just pissed off by >>72804 @ Ummm or I don't understood what you meant. If it is the latter, I kindly demand an explanation from you.

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