Marik Just to be clear, I'm approving the category preemptively on the assumption that Puru will actually make a proper announcement as I requested and doesn't chicken out immediately after backlash.
I do this in part so that pending uploads that would only be allowed with this category officialized can use the category in advance (they'd still be rejected at some point if Puru doesn't confront the community about allowing it) and in part to test if I can actually make categories properly now (I know it was a fucking shitshow back when Artbook and Webtoon were added).
DO NOT ADD IT TO EXISTING GALLERIES, I will do so in a very limited manner but if this does turn out to be just as big of a mess as those previous categories I'd like to find out in a limited, controlled, environment instead of when dozens of galleries are affected. (that being said Lightsource is the only artist I can think of where this category would be needed but I know there are some others out there)
^Dupe check is a bit fucky
On one hand it's going to miss stuff like this if either you or the other uploader bothered to do the names properly
And on the other hand it'll get very aggressive if you try to reupload anything that has been on pending but deleted because the image order got messed up or it got updated; Or if an existing gallery just happens to have the same name if it's something really generic like "Saimon Kanojo"/"Hypnotized Girl(friend)"
>>1257958 @ Puru Announce it officially on the discord then instead of some comment section. I won't take the fall for allowing it and I won't approve galleries in the category untill the community has been warned/informed properly.
Just to be clear, I'm approving the category preemptively on the assumption that Puru will actually make a proper announcement as I requested and doesn't chicken out immediately after backlash.
I do this in part so that pending uploads that would only be allowed with this category officialized can use the category in advance (they'd still be rejected at some point if Puru doesn't confront the community about allowing it) and in part to test if I can actually make categories properly now (I know it was a fucking shitshow back when Artbook and Webtoon were added).
DO NOT ADD IT TO EXISTING GALLERIES, I will do so in a very limited manner but if this does turn out to be just as big of a mess as those previous categories I'd like to find out in a limited, controlled, environment instead of when dozens of galleries are affected. (that being said Lightsource is the only artist I can think of where this category would be needed but I know there are some others out there)
On one hand it's going to miss stuff like this if either you or the other uploader bothered to do the names properly
And on the other hand it'll get very aggressive if you try to reupload anything that has been on pending but deleted because the image order got messed up or it got updated; Or if an existing gallery just happens to have the same name if it's something really generic like "Saimon Kanojo"/"Hypnotized Girl(friend)"
Announce it officially on the discord then instead of some comment section. I won't take the fall for allowing it and I won't approve galleries in the category untill the community has been warned/informed properly.
>>1257540 @ Marik
God. It's 2024. It's time to change things around here. I approve it as a Category.