Types Of inflation imo [based on experience]

Ok so i watched and read hentai/doujinshi for several years and gather some info about certain fetish i'm into and nah, it's not futa but can be relate to futanari olso. Basically first was the Inflation type fetish or as you'd like to call it "content" based on inflation of certain part of the body such as tiddies, ass, belly or even whole body growth to point of deformation. we can separate here content based on temporary deformation/inflation (pregnancy, magic, until someone cum etc.) or permanent deformation and it probably relate to some sort of gore or other body changing fetish (but its not about it).
I think it's time based on enormous type of content to separate Inflation fetish on some sort of sub-category. like Pururin separate whole "futanari" tag on futa on male/female/other futa.
This is my types and i'd like to start the discussion on the topic.

**Body inflation** - based on magic, spells, drugs, and other circumstances that can menage man/woman body to grow certain parts for permanent/temporary time. can olso include DICC.

**Insertion Inflation** - probably the common one in tentacle fanbase where amount of inserted eggs/slimes/hachlings etc. make the victim swoll a belly/tits to enormous size based on place of insertion

**Cumflation** - My personal fetish where amount of cum expand belly or womb to temporary or permanently deform a body. This fetish imo is different form pregnancy fetish and need to be separate from it except from doujinshi where both occured.

imo this three can sum up the majority of inflation category and let viewers choose the contents without cumflation or without insertion based on their preferences, wyt?
its brought up on occasion and Shirous verdict on it remains that Cumflation is such a large majority of the Inflation tag there'd be no point in giving it a more specific tag on top, Impregnation does not include the inflation tag and Egg Laying, Enema and Stomach Deformation are already their own subtags that can be blacklisted or filtered out in an advanced search if you don't want to see them.

Then there's the weird transformation stuff which is generally covered by Transformation that can also be blacklisted or filtered out by its own tag, and while that stuff is pretty common in western fetish art communities I haven't really seen much of it in hentai, but if you can provide enough gallery links to prove it does cover more than 5% of the tag Shirou will usually relent.

We're pretty cautious about introducing more tags because they all need to be maintained, even some of the most basic community dependent tags like Happy Sex and Imouto are struggling to be maintained by editors (and we really depend on community effort because moderators and mass uploaders handle way more galleries than they're be able to read for thorough tagging), having someone go full helicopter mom on their favorite tags like I've been personally been responsible for all use of the Gloves tag on pre-2020 galleries (and uploading the majority of the newer ones as well) does help a lot though.

I do not agree with how far Shirou often pushes the "we shouldn't have tags that can be replaced by an advanced search filter" because you can't just favorite those but ultimately he has the final say on moderation and he has already compromised a lot for tagging changes and additions I did push through last year so I'm letting him hold on to his standpoint of cumflation being too synonymous with inflation especially with most other sources of it being easy to blacklist (and given that Tankoubons exist I don't think we'll ever reach the point where blacklisting/filtering isn't needed to fully optimize search results anyway).

I wish you best of luck finding enough galleries to make a case for potential new tagsbeing big enough to stand on their own if they're specific enough, it takes time and determination but I speak from experience when I say it can be done.
>>2230 @ Anonymous4390
technically i review the inflation "content" for past two days and read about 50-60 doujinshi where i try to edit half of them to include cumflation but all my edits will perish. If mods give me a chance i can reviev all inflation uploads to sort them by this fetish. And my other point is Nhentai is barely readable bc of serwers overload and they separate the cumflation from the inflation. By far i see that in "inflation" on this website it somehow mixed up between tentacle egg impregnation and dicc cumflation. in proportions 60/40. what you say is right you can blacklist "egg laying" "enema" and "stomah deformation" to search inflation only for cum expansion belly. What my point is it will be lot easier for new and old cumflation fetishist to have this one "content" in one place. And by far as i visit Pururir everyday i can declare to try to maintain this tag. and complete enough gallery to prove it can be new tag. But olso i'm new and dunno how fast i need to tag those. or where exactly i can write to have permission for it.
>>2236 @ Anonymous
Yeah edits that try to add new tags that haven't been pre-approved by moderators will always be rejected, and in order to avoid moderators making quick decisions that another moderator will then roll back because they disagree with it the new tag should have support from at least 2 moderators (which is why Shirou having a bias against some tags is a big deal, him and me are the most available moderators to have these discussions with and even if you can get support from Kaizuki and me there's a risk Shirou disagrees strongly enough to fall back on his head mod status to veto it anyway).

I've never gotten Shirou to actually reply to forum posts though so my recommendation is to stock up on stock up on links (especially links+page numbers for quicker checking) supporting arguments as its almost impossible to argue anything is common enough to warrant a tag (or in case of Cumflation, Inflation galleries that aren't Cumflation being common enough to tear down the argument that they'd be pretty much synonymous) without being asked for proof eventually. Then after that preparation prompt the discussion on the improvements/suggestion channel of our public discord.
ok i try to join your discord and explain my case. with links. ty for your time, much aprecciated.

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