Uploaders Wanted

Hoy people,

I hope you're all doing well and are safe and healthy as the year is nearing its end. Speaking of things nearing its end, the pending uploads Sigmarc left us with after his departure shrank down to roughly 10 pages (ca. 200 uploads) as of the time of this post, and will be depleted around New Years. As of now, we only have very few active uploaders on Pururin providing you with content, most of which are done by Glovelove / Crackmore and me. We alone can't keep up with consistently delivering roughly 20 galleries per day in the future, and will most likely have to reduce daily approvals down to 15 or 10 galleries per day if no new users are willing to try their hand at uploading.

It might be that a lot of our site visitors aren't aware that all of the content here is provided by users, and we're dependent on them to keep the site going and provide us with new uploads. That's why I'm writing this post, so that hopefully some of you might get motivated to try their hand at uploading on Pururin. We appreciate everyone that is trying to contribute. Please don't be discouraged if your first few uploads get criticized by us or rejected in some cases. We always state the reasons for why an upload doesn't meet our standards and what you can do to improve upon it. Most of the tagging is done automatically by the site system if you use a source link by e(x)hentai, so you really only have to look out for some specific cases where we use different tag names or have slightly different rules on how certain tags are used, or tags that are exclusive to our site such as "Happy Sex" or "Hat".

If you feel inclined to get started with uploading, read our posts on [Uploading Rules](https://pururin.io/forum/discussion/announcement/uploading-rules) and our [Tagging Guide](https://pururin.io/forum/discussion/announcement/tagging-guide) first, please. Those should clear up most of your questions and common upload mistakes and how to avoid them. If you have further questions, feel free to send us a message or ask us on [Discord](https://discord.gg/G75UxPPV). We're looking forward to any new uploaders.

Cheers, faggots. White Christmas and Happy New Year to all.
faq u
>>2113 @ Anonymous4201 nooo not another sad news in 2020.. To me this site is more well organized than NHentai.
>>2114 @ Atomsk
yeah I've been pressing the lack of uploaders for a long time, earlier in 2020 Sigmarc took a few weeks of after a fight with Shirou but he ended up being away longer because he had to invest time into school. I was rather alarmed by the lack of incoming uploads and we were about to hit the point where I had to cut the daily approvals down when he came back. The crisis had been put of for the time being because he went back to uploading massive amounts of galleries straight away but I kept encouraging people to start uploading because Sigmarc had warned he'd leave for school again later and I was very uncomfortable relying on a single person for uploads now that the risks associated with it had been clear. In the end Sigmarc got himself banned for trying to remove the tags from all of his pending uploads in a massive temper tantrum and I once again ended up responsible for the majority of our uploads (around 55% of pending, but 65% of what came in during December despite christmas being one of the only times I've taken a break from uploading since Sigmarc left) though I'm only building it down to 15/day for Januari to make the change more gradual I know we can barely even sustain 10/day at the moment, half as much if anything was to happen that would keep me from uploading for a while.
Thats crazy! I know trying to upload that many galleries could be considered a full time position!
>>2113 @ Anonymous4201

It's gonna be tough without new uploaders.
I should try my hand at becoming an uploader any guide or pro-tips senpai?
When pasting a source link from ehentai or exhentai the system automatically imports most tags except for scanlators, though you have to look out for some cases like Shotacon / Straight Shota or DILF / Ugly Bastard. It shouldn't be too hard.

If you don't know what exactly you could upload, there's always the option of looking through a specific artist or parody tag and comparing what is missing on our site compared to exhentai, and upload the missing galleries for more completion. Do a quick title search in the pending upload list too though before you try to upload something in case it was already submitted, but not yet approved. Read the upload rules and tagging guide, those should answer most of your questions.
>>2233 @ Anonymous
>>2233 @ Anonymous
Should build on Shirous tips by warning that the importer does have a broken autocorrect feature where it will sometimes imports the wrong tags like tail->tail plug, Insect->Insect Girl, Monster->Monster Girl, Oni->Exhibiti**oni**sm, ect. after a while you'll learn which content tags you need to look out for but its really easy to overlook for artist and character tags. It also only imports the first parody tag it sees on crossovers.

Title search is best done on both romanized and translated titles as only one of them is displayed on pending list. Frontpage of e-hentai/exhentai is the easiest place to find stuff we don't have yet but with highest chances of other uploaders already having it on pending (though with most uploaders taking care of their favorite tags we can sorta try to focus on galleries other uploaders won't take, Shirou is likely to get anything translated by Amoskandy, I rarely ever pass up corruption or opera gloves, Fram will often race me on Azur Lane and Fate/ galleries, ect.)

Should also note that if the system marks any content tags as "(new)", we either decided not to have them (mosaic censorship for example) or they should be replaced because use a different name (any time a tag uses the world dickgirl we're using futanari instead, cosplaying becomes cosplay, ect.)
good to know
is there other ways to help? I live in a fucked up country. so no donation possible and uploading I can do maybe around 5 Title a week. so is there other ways I can help?

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