Game cg?

is there a good way to view the game cg? like animated?
Google their names and look for either the English publisher's website if you want to purchase them legally or any random torrent site. If it's uncensored, that means it got an official English release. The major English publishers of Eroge and VNs are JAST USA and Mangagamer. Pretty much any uncensored Game CG set uploaded here should be in the portfolio of either of those two publishers.
Yeah some scenes can look animated if you hold down the -> arrow key on keyboard (depending on how fast the site can load your images) but you're better of getting a hold of the source material to actually get the plot, as the galleries we can share here are only the background images of the VN or VN sections in a game.

Somone like the Taimanin series and Bible Black have animated hentai adaptions as well though quality on these can vary a lot.
I'm looking for an official English release
>>2594 @ JusticeGuy
VNDB is pretty much always in the description, using that link should quickly tell you if an official translation exists and where to get it. In a lot of cases where that happens to be on steam I linked that in the description as well.

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