Some of my all time favorite light reading material truly beautiful story this is
This is so beautiful art and I am in love with the story
Dame good comment section p.m. wecomed!
I'm not gay but man ×-× its nice to see a good cock with some loli ^-^
I love this art style and the story in amazing !
I'm starting to see sweet little bubbles forming.
This is really amazing art work and a very awesome story. I wish there was a lot more. But I'm super happy for the up loud because I'd never have seen this other wise!
This was a beautiful read. I love the art.
This was so good! I loved the art it was fantastic style. I wish there was more of it! my kinda women.
RaiNbOwWoLFRaiN on
Wow this is an amazing manga. I love when she gets right up to his dick and watches him close up cum right in her face. BEAUTIFUL.
Page 15, and 17 are the only things I like about this manga
I remember reading this when I was 11 it was good then...not so much now. My taste for manga art has change for the worst I'm afraid I'm a manga nob now with not much diversity it's a lois life for me a long lonely loli life for me and I think I'd have it no other way
I love this style of art. She is one of my favorite to be hold. And that cock always puts a smile on this boys face. Only wish there was a story to go with this fine art.
Wow I remember reading this way way way wayyyyyyyy back when and I'm still here ....thank you to the arts for making a young man's dream of finding manga possible and the uploader and translator. This was a grate read when I was super horny and want to fantasize and wish. Still do lol
I wish to have been so mom took every and I mean every peace of rates R PROPERTY I managed to get my hungry little hands on/made me more shy that I could have a out let to learn. I think is why I made it my lifes goal to find what makes me happy in watching love play out and keep my mind heart and pants open . Now here I am and loving every minute of it. Single as fuck and loving every minute of it ....^-^ no one to let me what I can read, watch and love.
Yea what he said. This world and it's outward views and pootie names... in my mind I just wish for happiness for all and peace ....let them take that then we have problems...but nope! But for some this has already happened, I wish them all well.
Damn my little sister was 6 years younger then me....all we did was fight, and I love her to death. To think, if I put her in her place better. Mybe she love me the same. Well thank you for the manga uploader fantasy achieved also I'm a huge fan of this style of manga drawing hats off to the artist hip hip hurry
Truely amazing thank you

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