>>23282 @ BronzeRobot
We all do. Here's a dude working hard for his wives without knowing that not only are they being unfaithful to him. But, the baby isn't even his.

Brutal stuff.
I imagine he would be crushed if he were to find out the truth.
This is better than I thought it would be. Particularly the shota at the end.
>>20739 @ Bloody smile
How could you not fuck her in that circumstance. I don't believe it.
Can't they be lovers and siblings?

Anonymous3033 on
If you are talking about the twintails one then yeah I agree she's awesome.

And yeah, there tends to be exceptions to the rule with things you don't like.
Happens to me too
Anonymous3033 on
That first girl is the cutest thing ever.
This is one of the few doujins I used to read years ago that is still quite enjoyable.
This is too good
This artstyle is PERFECT!
Well if only all cheerleaders were that dedicated. To bad it was all for nothing in the end because they had to forfit anyway.
I didn't enjoy this as much as the other too but it's still pretty good.
I didn't like this one much. Their pregnant forms were hot though.
This is so weird and so hot at the same time.
I am really disappointed we didn't see any intercourse but the girls are extremely hot so still worth a favourite.
This was extremely hot with a funny ending.
"when did you two start to get along so well" ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Pretty weird but enjoyable.
This was actually really good.
Anonymous3033 on
That ending was comedy gold!

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